Journal Club
Fridays at Noon in the Neuroscience Library
The purpose of this journal club is to critically discuss the current literature relevant to CNIR and to gain experience with an oral presentation of data and comments in a mixed forum not unlike that at scientific meetings. All NIP trainees are required to attend and mentors are encouraged to join trainees!
Papers are disseminated the week prior to the presentation to all interested researchers. Once a semester an ethics discussion will occur instead of a scientific paper. The purpose of the ethics component is to demonstrate the consequences of unethical scientific behavior on the research community and on the public perception of science.
Spring 2023 Presentations
January 20
NeuroEthics Discussion
February 3
Max Stevenson (NIP trainee): Fibrinogen primes the microglial NLRP3 inflammasome and propagates pro-inflammatory signaling via extracellular vesicles: implications for blood-brain barrier dysfunction. Roseborough et al., 2023, Neurobiology of Disease 177: February 2023
February 10
Phil Gross (NIP trainee): A TREM2-activating antibody with a blood–brain barrier transport vehicle enhances microglial metabolism in Alzheimer’s disease models. van Lengerich et al., 2023, Nature Neuroscience 26:416-429.
February 17
Max Stevenson (NIP trainee): An RNA-Targeting CRISPR-Cas13d system alleviates disease-related phenotypes in Huntington’s Disease models. Morelli et al., 2023, Nature Neuroscience, 26:27-38
February 24
Helena Schuch (graduate student): Behavioural and dopaminergic signatures of resilience. Willmore et al., 2022, Nature 611:124-132
March 3
Mateo Nelson (graduate student): Aggregation of alpha-synuclein in enteric neurons does not impact function in vitro. Bindas et al., 2022, Scientific Reports, 12:22211
March 17
Neke Nsor (NIP trainee):Functional Redundancy of the Posterior Hippocampi, but not Anterior Hippocampi or Left Frontal Cortex, is Disrupted in Pathological Brain Aging. Blujus et al., 2022, bioRxiv preprint.
March 24
Devin Palmer (NIP trainee): Paradoxical effects of posterior intralaminar thalamic calretinin neurons on hippocampal seizure via distinct downstream circuits. Qi et al., 2022, iScience, 25:Issue 5, 104218.
March 31
Bill Rebeck (Neuroscience/IPN faculty): Microglia-mediated T cell infiltration drives neurodegeneration in tauopathy. Chen et al., 2023, Nature 615:668-677
April 14
Anna Pearson (graduate student). Specific inhibition of interpeduncular nucleus GABAergic neurons alleviates anxiety-like behaviors in male mice after prolonged abstinence from methamphetamine. Xu et al., 2023, JNeuroscience 143(5):803-811.
April 21
Danna Cunningham (NIP trainee): APOE4 impairs myelination via cholesterol dysregulation in oligodendrocytes. Blanchard et al., 2022, Nature 611(7937):769-779.
April 28
Matt Amontree (graduate student): Decoding perineuronal net glycan sulfation patterns in the Alzheimer’s disease brain. Logsdon et al., 2022, Alzheimers Dementia, 18(5):942-954.
April 28
Matt Amontree (graduate student): Decoding perineuronal net glycan sulfation patterns in the Alzheimer’s disease brain. Logsdon et al., 2022, Alzheimers Dementia, 18(5):942-954.
May 5
Zac Colon (graduate student): Prefrontal engrams of long-term fear memory perpetuate pain perception. Stegemann et al., 2023, Nature Neuroscience 26:820-829..