NIP Trainees

NIP Trainees 2024-2025 Academic Year

Briana Berstein: Predoctoral Trainee
Mentor: Rebekah Evans, PhD & Patrick Forcelli, PhD
Thesis Research: Extended basal ganglia circuitry implicated in Parkinson’s disease and epilepsy

Zac Colon: Predoctoral Trainee
Mentor: Kathy Maguire-Zeiss, PhD
Thesis Research: The role of inflammation and aging on the dorsal striatum parvalbumin interneurons and perineuronal nets

Katie Hummel: Predoctoral Trainee
Mentor: Kathy Conant, MD
Thesis Research: The role of chemokines in plasticity, mood, and behavior

Helena Schuch: Predoctoral Trainee
Mentor: Alexey Ostroumov, PhD
Thesis Research: Synaptic Mechanisms of Stress and Habitual Behavior

Lara Stefansson: Predoctoral Trainee
Mentor: Dan Pak, PhD
Thesis Research: The changes in CREB localization following long-term potentiation signaling in primary hippocampal neuronal cultures

Pauline Wonnenberg: Predoctoral Trainee
Mentor: Katherine Conant, MD and, Stefano Vicini, PhD
Thesis Research: Regulation of Perineuronal Nets for Enhanced Plasticity in a Depression-like Rodent Model
Recent NIP Trainees
Joyce Woo: Predoctoral Trainee (NRSA Awarded)
Mentor: Alexey Ostroumov, PhD & Patrick Forcelli, PhD
Thesis Research: Assessing the role of midbrain KCC2-mediated synaptic plasticity in reward learning.
Phil Gross: Thesis defended
Mentor: Jeffrey Huang, PhD
Thesis Research: Elucidating the role of senescent cells in CNS remyelination.
Devin Palmer: Thesis defended
Mentor: Patrick Forcelli, PhD
Thesis Research: Targeting the tectopontine pathway to monitor and control spontaneous seizures.
Neke Nsor: Predoctoral Trainee
Mentor: Casey Brown, PhD
Thesis Research: Using fMRI adaptation to investigate neural dysfunction.
Max Stevenson: Thesis defended
Mentor: Dr. Charbel Moussa
Thesis Research: Investigating the role of c-KIT in the pathogenesis of protein-mediated neurodegenerative disease.
Danna Cunningham: Predoctoral Trainee
Mentor: Bill Rebeck, PhD
Thesis Research: The implications of APOE genotype and amyloid burden on oligodendrocyte metabolism and function in a mouse model of AD.
Ismary Blanco: Thesis defended (NRSA awarded)
Mentor: Katherine Conant, MD
Thesis Research: Stress and depressive-like behaviors in zebrafish; characterizing changes in neuronal plasticity after unpredictable chronic stress.
Dan Chapman: Thesis defended (NRSA awarded)
Mentor: Mark Burns, PhD & Stefano Vicini, PhD
Thesis Research: Interrogating synaptic mechanisms underlying contextual fear conditioning amnesia in a rodent model of highly repetitive mild traumatic brain injury.
Tahiyana Khan: Thesis defended
Mentor: Patrick Forcelli, PhD
Thesis Research: The contribution of cellular senescence in epileptogenesis.
Holly Korthas: Thesis defended
Mentor: Mark Burns, PhD
Thesis Research: The effects of high-frequency head impacts on circadian rhythms and sleep architecture.
Kelly Martin: Thesis defended
Mentor: Elissa Newport, PhD & Peter Turkeltaub, MD, PhD
Thesis Research: Characterizing the organization of core language and emotional prosody processing in right frontotemporal regions after left hemisphere perinatal stroke.
Mondona McCann: Thesis defended
Mentor: Kathy Maguire-Zeiss, PhD
Thesis Research: Polychlorinated biphenyls and synuclein as a ‘dual hit’ model of astrocytic dysfunction.
Andrew Speidell: Predoctoral Trainee
Mentor: Italo Mocchetti, PhD
Thesis Research: The role of p75NTR-coupled signaling in HIV-1 gp120-mediated synaptic injury.
Lorenzo Bozzelli: Thesis defended
Mentor: Katherine Conant, MD
Thesis Research: The role of MMPs and PNNs in HAND.
Deran Erdengiz: Thesis defended
Mentor: Kathy Maguire-Zeiss, PhD
Thesis Research: Synuclein directly regulates L-type VGCC activity and function in dopaminergic neurons.
Cameron McKay: Thesis defended
Mentor: Guinevere Eden, D.Phil.
Thesis Research: Developmental dyslexia and hippocampal volume.
Laya Rajan: Thesis defended
Mentor: Chandan Vaidya, PhD
Thesis Research: Neuroplasticity due to obesity in the developing brain.
Hannah Waguespack: Thesis defended
Mentor: Ludise Malkova, PhD & Patrick Forcelli, PhD
Thesis Research: Midbrain contributions to defensive behavior in macaques.
Stephanie Sloley: Thesis defended
Mentor: Mark Burns, PhD
Thesis Research: Identifying changes in hippocampal synaptic plasticity following repetitive mild traumatic brain injury.
Kaela Singleton: Thesis defended; Predoctoral Trainee (NIH F99 Awarded)
Mentor: Elena Silva, PhD
Thesis Research: Mechanisms of regulation and function of Sox 11 in frog and mouse.
Erin Wenzel: Thesis defended; Predoctoral Trainee (NRSA Awarded)
Mentor: Italo Mocchetti, PhD
Thesis Research: Intracellular mechanisms of HIV-1 envelope protein neurotoxicity.
Brittany Aguilar: Thesis defended
Mentors: Patrick Forcelli, PhD and Ludise Malkova, PhD
Thesis Research: Investigating contributions of intermediate and deep layers of the superior colliculus to defensive and emotional behaviors.
Carrie Leonard: Thesis defended
Mentor: Maria Donoghue, PhD
Thesis Research: EphA7 regulates dendritic morphology and postnatal synapse formation in the cerebral cortex.
Lanier Heyburn: Thesis defended
Mentors: Brent Harris, MD, PhD and Charbel Moussa, MBBS, PhD
Thesis Research: Effect of tyrosine kinase inhibitors on TDP-43 localization.
Ted Turesky: Thesis defended
Mentor: Guinevere Eden, D.Phil.
Thesis Research: Neural development and degeneration: An fMRI study on the motor system in children, young adults, and old adults.
Megan Allen: Thesis defended
Mentors: Katherine Conant, MD and Kathy Maguire-Zeiss, PhD
Thesis Research: MMP-1 Mediated PAR-1 Signaling and Fragile X Syndrome.
Kelly Chamberlain: Thesis defended
Mentor: Jeffrey Huang, PhD
Thesis Research: Oligodendrocyte Regulation of Neuronal Energy Metabolism and ATP Buffering.
Amanda DiBattista: Thesis defended; Predoctoral trainee: F31 NRSA
Mentor: Bill Rebeck, PhD
Thesis Research: Alzheimer’s Disease Risk Gene APOE Predicts Molecular Differences in the Absence of Disease.
Summer Kathol: Thesis defended; Predoctoral trainee: F31 NRSA
Mentor: Italo Mocchetti, PhD
Thesis Research: Investigating Mitochondrial Dynamic Impairment by HIV Viral Protein Tat and the Protective Capacity of Pituitary Adenylate Cyclase-Activating Polypeptide (PACAP).
Gustavo Rodriguez: Thesis defended; Predoctoral trainee: F31 NRSA
Mentor: Bill Rebeck, PhD
Thesis Research: Effect of APOE Genotype on Glial Activation in a Mouse Model of Amyloid Deposition.
Carissa Winland Berger: Thesis defended; Predoctoral trainee: F31 NRSA
Co-Mentors: Kathy Maguire-Zeiss, PhD and Stefano Vicini, PhD
Thesis Research: The Effect of Inflammation on Striatal Circuitry.
Teal Connor: Thesis defended
Mentor: Bill Rebeck, PhD
Thesis Research: The Intracellular Domains Required for ApoER2’s Effect on Dendritic Spine Density.
Michael Smirnov: Thesis defended
Mentors: Jeffrey Urbach, PhD and Herb Geller, PhD
Thesis Research: Structural and Mechanical Influence on Growth Cone Guidance and Axonal Regeneration.
Patricia Washington: Thesis defended
Mentor: Mark Burns, PhD
Thesis Research: The Role of Amyloid-Beta After Traumatic Brain Injury: Injury Mediator or Marker?
Charisse Winston: Thesis defended
Mentor: Mark Burns, PhD
Thesis Research: The Effect of APOE Genotype on Neuronal Remodeling Caused by Mild Traumatic Brain Injury.
NIP Trainees Before 2012 (predoctoral and postdoctoral, in alphabetical order)
Mary O. Adedoyin, Ph.D.: Predoctoral Trainee
Mentor: Dr. Neale / Dr. Vicini
Thesis Research: The Role of N-acetylaspartylglutamate in the Amygdala.
Liza Q. Bundesen, Ph.D. : Predoctoral Trainee (Ph.D. awarded December 2003)
Co-Mentors: Dr. Barbara Bregman and Dr. Larry Kromer
Thesis Research: Â Ephrins and Eph Receptors Participate in Spinal Cord Development and Adult Injury Responses.
Kimberly R. Byrnes, Ph.D. : Postdoctoral Trainee
Mentor: Dr. Alan Faden
Thesis Research: Role of Microglial Related Inflammation in the Spinal Cord Response to Injury. Gregory S. Emch, Ph.D. : Predoctoral Trainee
Co-mentors: Dr. Jean Wrathall and Dr. Stefano Vicini
Postdoctoral Research:Â Synaptic function after SCI.
Craig Dietrich, Ph.D: Predoctoral Trainee
Mentor: Dr. Martin Morad
Thesis Research: Protons as Transmitters in Synaptic Signaling.
Andrew E. Emery, Ph.D.: Predoctoral Trainee
Mentor: Dr. J. Wroblewski
Thesis Research: Neuroprotective mechanisms of metabotropic glutamate receptor 1
Ivy V. Estabrooke, Ph.D. : Predoctoral Trainee (PhD awarded November 2005)
Co-mentors: Dr. Paul Aisen and Dr. Michael Ullman
Thesis Research: Neuropharmacological Approaches to the Recovery of Language after Neural Insult.
Jae K. Lee, Ph.D. : Predoctoral Trainee (PhD awarded October 2005)
Mentor: Dr. Jean Wrathall
Thesis Research: Alterations in the Hoffman-Reflex After Spinal Cord Injury.
Judith M. Lytle, PhD: Predoctoral Trainee (PhD awarded May 2007)
Mentor: Dr. Jean R. Wrathall and Dr. Vittorio Gallo
Thesis Research: Electrophysiological Characterization and Transcriptional Control of Oligodendrocyte Precursor Cells in the Acutely Injured Spinal Cord.
John G. Partridge, Ph.D. : Postdoctoral Trainee
Mentor: Dr. Stefano Vicini
Postdoctoral Research: Excitatory Neurotransmission in Mouse Striatum: The role of NMDA and trkB receptors.
Esther Magnuson, Ph.D.: Predoctoral Trainee
Mentor: Dr. Huntsman / Dr. Vicini
Thesis Research: Inhibitory control of cortical interneurons in mouse somatosensory cortex
Sakura S. Minami, Ph.D.: Predoctoral Trainee
Mentor: Dr. Rebeck / Dr. Matsuoka
Thesis Research: The role of Fyn in the pathogenic processes of Alzheimer’s disease
Ahdeah Pajoohesh-Gangi, Ph.D.: Postdoctoral Trainee
Mentor: Dr. Faden
Thesis Research: Cell Cycle Regulation after Spinal Cord Injury in Mice mouse model of contusive SCI.
Bridget N. Queenan, Ph.D.: Predoctoral Trainee
Mentors: Dr. Daniel Pak and Dr. Stefano Vicini
Thesis Research: Synapse- and Cell-specific Plasticity in the Hippocampus
William J. Rosoff Ph.D. : Postdoctoral Trainee
Mentor: Dr. Geoffrey Goodhill
Postdoctoral Research: Mechanisms of Axonal Gradient Detection. Lauren E. Ullrich: Predoctoral Trainee
Mentor: Dr. Friedman / Dr. Turner
Thesis Research: Neural structures underlying recognition memory in mild cognitive impairment
Jill Turner, PhD. : Predoctoral Trainee (PhD awarded June 2006)
Mentor: Dr. Kenneth Kellar
Thesis Research: Nicotinic Receptors in the Rat Cerebellum
Matthew T. Whittaker, Ph.D.: Postdoctoral Trainee
Mentor: Dr. J. Wrathall
Thesis Research: The role of NG2 cells in recovery from spinal cord injury in a mouse model of contusive SCI.
Brian S. Wolff, Ph.D.: Predoctoral Trainee
Mentor: Dr. J. Wu
Thesis Research: Activation and plasticity of neocortical neuronal populations induced by alternating electrical fields